Could Chiropractic Help You?
Your nervous system controls and regulates every cell of your body. When your nervous system doesn’t work correctly, you don’t work correctly. And when you don’t work correctly, you’re sick! Simple as that.
Nerve compromise can result from postural distortions that are easily revealed with a few simple tests. Consult a professional for evaluation!
Simply study the pictures, follow the directions and conduct the tests. If the results indicate that you or a loved one may be a good candidate for chiropractic care, contact Back in Balance to arrange a thorough examination in our practice immediately.
A great place to begin is to notice postural distortions that show up in the head, neck and shoulders:

Unbalanced shoulders
Notice if one shoulder is higher than the other or if the head tilts to one side. Both could be indications of the types of problems that respond nicely to chiropractic care.

Forward leaning head
A common problem is a forward leaning head. Besides a source of fatigue, this is a common sign of neurological compromise in the neck, shoulders and into the arms and wrist.